
As an orchestral musician, playing piccolo and flute with wonderful ensembles like the Mobile Symphony Orchestra is a fun challenge.  As a chamber musician, stretching my musicality and technical abilities with new genres of music, improvisation and challenging works is the goal.  As a solo artist, highlighting composers who push the limits of the flute and use new or unusual textures in their music is challenging and rewarding.  Whenever and wherever I'm playing it’s always a positive experience and an honor to share my talents. Check out some of the ensembles I’m currently performing with below!



2nd Breakfast

Started as a Celtic Band and is developing into an eclectic group that plays anything we think is amazing. You have to hear this band!

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Married for fifteen years, performing together for five. It took us a while, but the results were worth the wait.


R2 Duo

A versatile and fun flute and guitar duo. We play everything from Giuliani to Willie Nelson!